Thursday, May 1, 2008

So much shit wrong with this... WHY ALICIA WHY???!!!!
When I saw these pics of Alicia Keys on another site, I thought something looked odd. At closer inspection I noticed that Ak’s butt was considerably flatter in the pic on the left than it is on the right.
So I opened up Photoshop and superimposed one photo over the other and the difference in both pics was startling. The result is conclusive evidence that Alicia Keys wore butt pads for her appearance on the Dave Letterman Show. (Sandra Rose)
I expect some coon shit like this from Beyonce, but why you Alicia?? Ain't you "Superwoman"?
Or am I overreacting? Somebody let me know.
I'm thinking it's cuz she's standing different and she wearing a certain type of jeans?
that is all it is j, calm down, lmao ya girl is still fine.....
some stuff we wear make our ass go PLA-DOW.... and some stuff make it look flat as all get out....that is just what that is, less you got like a deelishis ass then it's gon look phat even if you got a damn bathrobe on.....
lmao i don't think she got on butt pads it can't be possible in a dress that tight, wouldn't you see em????? i think her in that dress is all real, that lola nasty booty luv chick need to take notes....
I was bout to have a lil crisis thank you Chrissy...
LMAO @ Jay....yea man because some things i wear make me look like i got a lil' donk and others...oooooooo weeeeeeeeeee(azz for, and i know i got azz, cuffz n
so nah i don't think those are butt pads
i was already re-ordering my superstar wifey list lol
don't be a stranger either K or ima haunt you over at 2DB crib!
LMAO, i never noticed you had a blog:( i won't be a stranger! I can comment all day....until it's blocked that is...lmao i see you got a thang for Lauren...she is bad! NO HOMO...tell me who i sound like with that no homo BAHAMA! that's my girl...they are so funny over there @ 2DB
i had asked you where u from on 2DB, but i can't find the comment...but what u know about Lil boosie BWOY? LOL
LMAO @ the snow...and OMG i used to HATe that BABYMOMMA song because it always made me think of my sons fathers baby momma, she stayed doing some childish shyt but we cool and yea Boosie n Webbie spit the hottness!
what made u move to Colorado? military?
lol nah u must not have seen me n Chrissy convo bout the military on the Secret Service post i did today lol
But it was the job, i plan on moving back soon tho.
I'm bout 2 eat real quick so I'll get back in a few.
i love me some weebie his 1st cd, wore that joint out my fav
bad bitch is my jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
the girl be cooking and cleaning and cooking she be constantly douching and cleaning her.....well yall know the rest, and jay go look @ the why post asap......lmao
iono yall...don't nothing i wear make my ends look THAT flat and shoot i been looking for jeans to do that..lmao
LMAO...and nah i didn't see the post Jay
and LMFAO @ Chriss and "bad bytch" bay bay when that shyt used to come on in the club....WHAT bish couldn't tell me shyt!
what did u eat Jay?
Some Burger King...
O yea I never got to ask where you are from??
thats wassup
I was looking at your list of categories and you listen to everything huh? that's what's up 50 all the way down to Brisco....i luv his song "i'm me" and i like Haitian freshs "gon joc" with boosie...i ain't gone tell you i was put on both of those ongs while in the strip club...farreal cuz u know they play that gutta shyt in i see ya got Gotti on there...Let's vibe...eyyyyyyyyyy
* songs
Wait....wait....waaaaaait! Ok damn! I totally hadn't noticed but wow! You're right! Don't tell me she's been on ebay purchasing butt pads too! Booooooooooo!!!!
yea Brisco aight, he kind of fell off already b4 his career started. Gon Joc hits...
Yea i listen to everything im a fiend
i dnt think so, its just a bad angle
shes fine anyway
Damn I think she is rocking a FAKE ASS!
I had my suspicions, thats how I found this page lol!
I still love you though Alicia!
Just don't go getting breast implants like Beyoncé's back up singer!