Thursday, May 1, 2008

That picture above is priceless.
The U.S. Secret Service, the federal agency whose No. 1 job is to protect the president, has released a White agent after a Black employee said he found a noose hanging at the main training facility near Washington, D.C. “The employee involved has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation by our Office of Professional Responsibility, which serves as the agency’s internal affairs office,” Edwin M. Donovan, assistant special agent in charge of government and public affairs, wrote in an e-mail response to Cox Newspapers. “At the conclusion of the investigation, additional information may be available.” The noose incident comes at a time when the agency is battling image problems concerning charges that it is a bastion of racial hostility. (Full Story)
The black agents also expressed disgust in a long-standing civil suit claiming the "Secret Service regularly and systematically discriminates against African-American agents seeking promotion in favor of White agents who scored lower on promotional exams."
I believe them.
“This incident of racial hatred is troubling in an agency that has the important duty of protecting world leaders of all races, including our own leaders such as (presidential candidate) Barack Obama and (Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice. This racist incident is a reminder that long time discrimination in the secret service has created an atmosphere where such hateful acts occur all too regularly,” Klar said. In recent months, the service was criticized for allowing thousands to enter an arena in Dallas to hear Obama speak without being properly searched.
Then they had the nerve to release this lying-out-they-ass statement...
Eric Zahren, a spokesman for the service, said, “The Secret Service is extremely proud of the accomplishments of our diverse work force and our record on diversity. The Secret Service has not and will not tolerate discrimination of any kind.”
white. black, yellow, orange, yellow, purple, regardless of color, this what i wanna know, how much do it cost to insure a secret service agent????? and who wants to be one, i mean really i have never heard a kid say, i wanna risk my life guarding the president when i grow up, in the famous, and somewhat dated words of my homeboy j-nyte......YOU GOT ME BENT.....
lmao you STILL my boy even if you do be dropping slang from 1993-1996 like it's still the bidness....
thanks to my cyber tongue...
and now i got ads from google showing shit like Be a Black FBI Agent, Secret Service jobs...
I didn't know they advertise for that type of biz
LMAO.... ya cyber tongue why is that killing me right now?????
you gotta advertise for that shit, cause i don't think you can just walk into FBI Headquaters and be like yeah ummmmm can i get an application to be a secret service agent????? lmao would you wanna be a secret service agent j???? i think not,
now a FBI agent sure why not but a secret service agent gotta live his life like them fools who drive them brinks trucks, always looking over they shoulder for a suspicious ass fool on the come up, or ready to snipe a nucca just cause he can, lmao not enough money in the world to pay me to have them jobs.....
lol that's so true I heard on the news bout some brinks truck driver that got murked the other day.
Bet they gon start advertising in schools for the FBI and S.S. like they do for the army.... Tryna brainwash the chillin into thinkin that's a "lucrative & rewarding" career choice lmao
ahhahhahhahh lmmfao offering them $20,000 sign on bounses and stuff,
why i can sooooooooooooo see that happening, @ your local highschools BRINKS set up a booth right along with the US Army, and the colleges looking to recruit....."lucrative and rewarding" my syrup coated ass....more like
"take a chance with ya life, and get paid pennies to do it"
this talk we having gave me an idea for a post.....DON'T STEAL IT EITHER J-NYTE....LOL
LMAO they do be sending them dusty ass army recruiters to the high schools, tryna tell em how good the bonuses are with all them bullshit lil pendents and badges on they jackets or whateva.
I mean I respect em for "risking their life for crumbs off the table" but na them black kids don't have none of that slick talk from them troops. I seen em straight disrespect those recruiters it's funny lol
Aight do that post ima walk all the way over to yall blog after a brief intermission...
LMAO they do be sending them dusty ass army recruiters to the high schools, tryna tell em how good the bonuses are with all them bullshit lil pendents and badges on they jackets or whateva.
^^^^^^^okay that whole sentence, got me rolling over here, dusty ass, bullshit lil pendants and badges, ahhahhahhahhahhahhahh lmmfao i need a break....