Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Humping Crackhead

OK now we got kids in the area just watching this crackhead grope this skank female. So never give a crackhead: A stage in which to perform his "talents" in front of a crowd, music (crackheads and music never work well), and please no ho's... PLEASE!

This is your "don't give a f*ck" side of negroids. Just like white people got redheads/white-trash.

So What If I am Black Woman?

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This represents the passionate, articulate, & creative side of black people. Hats off to this young girl who had the courage to go on this show (look at audience), and deliver her poem with style, swagger, and grace.

She represented better than these "black leaders" who always criticizing and staying within' the little box their sponsors enslaved them with (money).

But that's another story.


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  1. That lil girl is too dern cute! but that crackhead still has be die'n!!LMAO

  2. *me instead of

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