Saturday, October 24, 2009

Oxycontin is a drug dealers dream drug. Similar to heroin, it gives the user a euphoric feeling when smoked or sniffed. It's SUPPOSED to be prescribed temporarily for moderate pain. When I broke my jaw I was on all types of powerful pain killers like 7.5/750mg Vicodin, Roxicet Liquid, oxycontin pills and liquid hydrocodone. Let's just say I was high for a couple months. LOL i didn't abuse them though, I value my body.
The Roxicet was by far the most effective at dulling the pain. It basically put me in a dreamy mind state where for a half hour before it put me to sleep I would just sit there staring at the TV. My fam would be like, "AY! What's wrong with you???" Then i'd snap back into real life and tell them I can't control it it's the medicine.
Vicodin did a good job of handling the pain but it works with less effectiveness for a longer period of time.
The oxycontin and hydrocodone liquid are almost the same as Vicodin... they just make you tired so you sleep away the pain.
All of the drugs gave me crazy ass nightmares complete with LOUD, thunderous explosions and graphic images!
BUT when people without pain do these drugs, they are extremely powerful and addictive. I know the oxycontin is the most highly addictive of all these when sniffed. I've seen people snort it and just sit there unable to talk and move for a long ass time. But they love it because they are HIGH AS FUCK. They always come back for more especially if they have to buy in small doses (5-15mg). Not that I was selling it to them.
The difficulty of finding oxycontin for the average user is what makes it so valuable. It can sell for up to $1 per mg. The true crackhead users will buy ONE 80mg oxycontin pill for $50-80 depending on the area and supply! But street dealers messing around selling prescription narcotics face heavy sentences so don't take this as any type of business advice lol. It's even worse because when the doctors just prescribe these types of pills like it's nothing, it allows a VERY PROFITABLE drug business for dealers. So pills that would sell for $15 for 50 5mg's in Walgreens can bring in $150-250.
Think about that.
Then watch this video.
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