Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Living In Beverly Hills
For the last three decades millions of Americans have been living in Beverly Hills. How can this be? Only 35,000 people reside in Beverly Hills, California. Millions have acted like they live in Beverly Hills, where the median household income is $125,000. The median household income in the United States is $50,000. There are 116 million households in the United States. Only 12 million households have income of $125,000 or more. There are 60 million households making less than $50,000.
Excerpts from Jay-Z's XXL Interview
"A trend is a trend. I follow trends. I set trends. Now, when a trend becomes a gimmick, it’s time to get rid of it. As far as hip-hop. Like, when they were saying “bling bling” on CNN, it’s time to never say that word again. It was just about the aggression of everything. I saw everyone, ’cause it was successful, following one path. You turn on the radio, and that’s all you hear. I’m not saying I hate T-Pain. What I’m talking about is a trend that’s becoming a gimmick."
Peter Schiff was Right
U.S. Consumer Credit Falls by a Record $21.6 Billion
Consumer credit fell by a record $21.6 billion, or 10 percent at an annual rate, to $2.5 trillion, according to a Federal Reserve report released today in Washington. Credit dropped by $15.5 billion in June, more than previously estimated. Credit fell for a sixth month, the longest series of declines since 1991.
Argentina's Economic Collapse - Part 1
Will we learn from the collapse of other nations so we can avoid the same fate?
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Liked the Argentina series.
Watch the mountain of US propaganda scorn rain down on President Fernandez de Kirchner as she tries to fight THROUGH all this shit without borrowing and inflating and creating big government fiat money.
It will use USA language that has nothing to do with the issues: "communist," "she's an airhead fashion model," "she's in Fidel Castro's pocket," "she's a rich elitist," "SHE'S SOFT ON CRIME AND DRUGS."
Damn she looks good though! lol
Yea i dont know when they'll address her though cuz all they talk about here is health care and michael jackson 24/7
Look at the Bilderberg boyz