Thursday, September 3, 2009

I've been writing about the problems in the U.S. economy for a while now because people need to know be presented with an alternative view to what CNN, FOX, and MSNBC claim is an economic recovery. The government is gushing so much misinformation it's hard for anybody to come to logical conclusions on anything of importance. And it's extremely hard to have an opposing view when everyday all day the TV dictates what's true and what's not.
So here are some resources for those interested:
I'm not the only one with these kinds of views:
There is really not that much time left to prepare for this economic collapse. Some believe it will be a collapse of the entire world's financial system. Some believe it will only be a collapse of the Western and European mafiocracies. Whatever it is, the USA will have it the worst just because we're used to such a high standard of living. Hopefully our collapse is not as severe as Argentina's!
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