Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This boy Wayne stay making the weirdest outlandish comments in the world!
What drug will you never do again?
I don’t do too many; I just smoke weed and drink sip. But I’ll never fcuk with no more coke. It’s not about a bad high, it’s just about the acne: Cocaine makes your face break out, and I’m a pretty boy.
50 Cent has called you a “whore” repeatedly. Where is your comeback rhyme already?
Man, I have to call him and say thank you. He’s catapulted me. N*gga, white people know me now! Thank you! Diss rhme? Fcuk no? That n*gga thrives off that. I am not feeding that tiger. I’m smart. Do you see his size? I’m small. I say a YouTube video of this dude playing a concert; somebody threw water on im–he took off his hat, went in the crowd, grabbed the n*gga and boom! I was like, This n*gga’s the hardest nigga on planet Earth.(--J: Anybody who thinks 50 is a super gangster just proves how much they are not gangsta.) So no, I’m not dissing 50. And I’m not throwing water on him, neither.
Who do you want to take the White House?
Barack, I guess, but I can’t make a real opinion. I ain’t watching no debates. I just want my people to understand that Hillary and Barack are not running for president–they running to be able to run for president. There’s a Republican party, too–we ain’t about to win, fool! A woman or a black man versus an old white dude? Fcuk no! They gonna be like, This black-ass nigga trying to come in my Oval Office? Fcuuuuuk no. The world about to end in 2012 anyway. ‘Cause the Mayans made calendars, and they stop at 2012. I got encyclopedias on the bus. The world is gonna end as we know it. You can see it already. A planet doesn’t exist: There’s no more Pluto. Planes are flying into buildings–and not just the Twin Towers, but dudes who play baseball are flying planes into buildings. Mosquitoes bite you and you die. And a black man and a woman are running for president!
Your friend Pimp C died from a codeine-cough-syrup overdose. Are you afraid that stuff is going to kill you too?
I’m never afraid to die, ’cause I could walk out this b*tch and a lamp could fall on my head. A mosquito could bite me! I was shot when I was 12, and I had to get a blood transfusions, so I have to get tiested for HIV every six months ’cause I got different blood in me. I could die that way. I get migraines real bad on the left side of my head. When I blow my snot, my doctor was like, “What color’s the mucus?” I checked, and the mucus came out red from the left nostril. They said I needed an MRI, but I can’t get into a magnetic field, because I have metal fragments in my chest from when I got shot. We can never figure out what’s wrong with me. So I don’t be tripping. I be pouring it up. (Full Interview)
Shout out to Necole Bitchie & Celeb-Blitz.
lmmfao naw J tell me he ain't shoot himself on purpose did he???? see this just proves my point lil wayne is dumb, and he came out feet first when he was born...lol
ay he says he did it by accident
but knowing him he probably thought he gets G points for "surviving a bullet" lol
lmmfao see J, now tell me that ain't retarded, he talking bout he did it on accident, then he gon have t he nerve to talk about it like he went out in a blaze of glory in a glorified non-exsistent street fight in this article....
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, dayum he stay fukked up! only someone high as a kite would say some shyt like this..LMAO i was reading and thinkin to myself WTF? So u don't do coke anymore because of acne? LMAO OMG lil wayne...
Did he say hygenical? What, is he taking notes from Flavor Flav and making up his own shyt?
lmmfao @ mzV.....flav be killing me with them words dramatical is my favorite....