Monday, March 17, 2008

The homegirl MzVirgo is at it again with some tips for you bammas that can't get in the club!
* You didn’t follow the dress code. Pay attention to the fine print on the flyers. They tell you specifically on the flyer, no jeans, no hoodies, no Tims, no sneakers, no tank tops. Dress to impress.* You brought too many of your homeboys with you. You can’t roll into the club 25 deep, unless you are Wu-Tang Clan or The Roots. Tell them that you will meet them there and to go in groups of 3.
* You didn’t reserve a table. Unless you are willing to spend your entire paycheck on a table and a bottle of Grey Goose, be prepared to stand out there for a LONG time or find you a local bar “where everybody knows your name”.
Full list at BlogXilla.
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