Monday, March 22, 2010
I like Obama and wish he was not working for K Street. What they just did is basically guaranteed a new stream of revenue for the insurance companies. They shoulda named it THE WALL STREET HEALTH INSURANCE BAILOUT. It will be illegal to not purchase insurance if you make a certain amount of money which means the people that think this is gonna give people affordable healthcare like a SINGLE PAYER system would are gonna feel dumb as shit.

Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill

But people who get their news from CNN and FOX and CNBC MSNBC all that bullshit never know the FACTS.

But the healthcare show is just distracting people from the real problem. The DOLLAR PROBLEM. First the European countries will collapse economically, then the British Pound, then the US DOLLAR starting with California. If people actually looked for news for themselves, they would know that the collapse of the states here in America has already begun. Cities like
Prichard, Alabama are already in Chapter 9 bankruptcy. Detroit is closing 44 schools, and Kansas City is closing almost half its schools. At the same time inflation will start kicking in as the dollar weakens. A lot of people will be blindsided when their dollars can't buy enough groceries.

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  1. But we have no end in love and care (and DOLLARS) to the wars and aggressions all over the world.

    They are going to take it all before she falls apart, bro'. Nothing can stop them.

  2. it would be sad if it weren't for a shame...

  3. It'll help those who most need the help like the pre-existing conditions cases, but I too have wondering how we'll pay for it. We can print more money, but that just adds to inflation. Cutting defense makes the most sense, but that's the secret and sacred cow...

  4. I wish I had a business that a bill could be passed to get me 32million new customers overnight!

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