Friday, February 26, 2010
**An email I received from GNC.**
On February 3, 2010, Senators John McCain and Byron Dorgan introduced S. 3002, a bill entitled, The Dietary Supplement Safety Act. The supposed purpose of the bill is to make dietary supplements "safer." This is ironic because dietary supplements are already hundreds of times safer than either prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
The real purpose of this bill is to limit your access to dietary suppl ements. The government would tell you, the consumer, what dietary supplements you could and could not buy. There is little doubt that if this bill becomes law your choices will be drastically reduced, and many of the supplements you take today will become illegal. This misguided bill affects ALL dietary supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, sports and diet products.
But, who is behind this bill? The answer is simple: big time sports leagues, especially Major League Baseball, which in recent years have been plagued by steroid scandals. Fearful that Congress will end their lucrative anti-trust exemption and require real drug testing, they have decided to make the supplement industry their scapegoat. When one of their players tests positive for steroids, they'd like people to think it must have been an adulterated dietary supplement.
Unless you want the government to tell you what supplements you can and cannot take, and unless you want to see your freedom of choice drastically reduced, you need to make your views known to your United States Senators.Tell them to oppose this terrible piece of legislation.
To make your views known, you can go to the Save Our Supplements website ( to send a note in opposition to S. 3002 directly to your two Senators or you can use the website to get information to construct your own personal letter. Either way, you need to act immediately. Do not let Congress take away your right to buy and use dietary supplements.
Now why would they want to ban/regulate the vitamins and supplements we take to improve our health?? This is a good start and this too.

Glad you posted this, Jay. It may be one of the hottest topics this year. The EU has already been hit with it.
A few years back, I read there was an agenda to eradicate the vitamin (supplements) industry, and it wasn't by the sports people, nah, not by a long shot.
Google "vitamins, CODEX", and "ban vitamins", or all three, and you'll be surprised at the news articles it pulls up from credible sources, as well as depopulationist conspiracy theories.
Sounds like McCain & Co. has repackaged this agenda to dupe the American people. Same old usual suspects, mixing truth with lies...
I heard of Codex on youtube from Dr. Rima Laibow and it was hard to believe back then but it's coming NOW!
Also watch this:
That's the same lady in the video. Her information appears impeccable.
Thats the one i watched. She has an email newsletter that tracks all of the developments and she gives updates with it too.
I hope these awful regulations don't get passed. The part about CODEX regulations about animals and growth hormones and meats being irradiated is misguided at best and insane at worst.
Bad enough they want to make vitamins illegal, but then tampering with the nutrition of whole foods is just evil.
I don't think the American people will stand for that; we love to eat too much, lol. On a serious note again, it's interesting and scary that it's not being talked about on the news. One has to wonder why...
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Let me introduce myself,
my parents call me Nikolas.
Generally I’m a venturesome gambler. for a long time I’m keen on online-casino and poker.
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definitely is crazy.