Is it just me or is it getting harder and harder to meet people who can engage in thought provoking dialogue? You know… people who can entertain you without bringing up sports, celebrities, gossip, and the like. Yes, we can talk shit about Tiger Woods and all his tricks. Yea we can talk about who's harder, Jeezy or Gucci. Yea we can joke about Gilbert Arenas' dumbass. But then what?
Can you make me question my beliefs? Can you beat the shit out of me in a debate? Make me say "You got it. You're right..."? Can we talk about Alicia Keys new album and somehow end up on the miscoverage of Haiti, or the lunacy of government?
Will our ambitions inspire each other? Do we share similar views on the world and life in general, and if not, can you support your opposing views with strong evidence and knowledge without getting mad or emotional? Can you challenge me and make me smarter while still being 100% real and truthful?
Where my brain food at?!

Where are your priorities, Man?
Other than Tiger Woods, I don't think I know any of those names (unless Gucci is the clothes dude).
Gucci is a rapper lol and hopefully you know Alicia Keys!
all I have to say is welcome to my world...sad ain't it?
Nicki, Gentlemen:
Sista GP seems to like the idea Torrance came up with of a new blog featuring the 4 of us. I liked Marko enough last night to want to include him,too. We could, for example, do a blog post on what a SWAP or OPTION. Jay, Marko and I could examine a controversial trade involving equity, currencies, fixed incomeo, and bond itself and see if we can make sense of it and prove a point I´ve been making since Paulson lied to the people.
The blog entry would be a preamble to the show. So, for example, B´Man could do a quick poll of the business owners in his commumity REDNECK TO REDNECK to find out how much they know about the securities they damn now. Torrance could do a math intro with ideas like options embedded, distributional form and bootstrapping a yield curve. Then, Marko and I will try to value the thing and I predict it will be either immposibly hard or easily doable.
Maybe, we could close out having returned from REDNECK-LANDIA to report on what they knew before, what they know now, how it relates to libertarian culture. Or we could do a free form post on how to unwind a USD swap and how Chavez, Correa, Fernandea de Kirchner, Lula, Mujica as to HOW the Andinos have passed the yanquis in derivatives analysis.
Or a show about technical, fundamental, and network analysis tools. I´m stubborn with Fama so if Marko is a technical, Jay is what he is, torrance is what he is and so we can fight it out. Dallas Black will have opinions and both HUBBY GP and Buelahman can tell us about physical oils and natural gas at the here and now spot end to the curve.
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