Thursday, January 28, 2010

Because critical thinking and constructive criticism should not change just because of the President's race.

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  1. Dr west is acting as if Mr Obama is actually "trying". He addresses him as if he is doing his best, but just fails because he is playing politics.

    I, on the other hand, have finally fully determined that Mr Obama is complicit in this take over. That he is part of the orchestrated effort to bring America to her knees.

    I hope I'm wrong and Dr West is right. But what if I'm right?

    When will people start addressing this shit like normal people, instead of kowtowing to power that is corrupt and stolen?

    I told Margaret Kimberly this morning that no one could lie so much without knowing it.

    Obama speaks lies with impunity. It doesn't matter because he knows nothing can be done... that the People are hoodwinked and even those stalwart thinkers like Dr West are still enamored and protecting what I see as blatant, outright criminality.

    He is speaking up, but he ain't saying the right message. He needs to take it to its obvious conclusion. Then call it what it is.

    A Fascist takeover of America.

  2. Dr. West has to know what's really going on but like you said, he has to speak as if Obama is trying to PREVENT the fascist takeover. But it's not really his fault. The people are so ignorant that if he addressed Obama like you say he should, HE would end up looking like the crazy one lol

  3. As for the expectation that lettered people will or shall speak appropriately to this bullshit...pyrite is pyrite and either you recognize it or you don't! It will always be true that "not all that temps thine wondering eye is worthful prize and not all that glitters is gold"

  4. I tend to agree with B´Man and Nicki. This is one of the first critical pieces of Obama West has made. And he was pretyy brutal towards Clinton (same corporatism but with a bit more intelligence and international savoire faire). Hwá never been a huge fan of Kucinich or McKinney because backing them doesn´t pay off.

    Nobody could be as perfect a liar as Obama has been and not know or understand the damage he has caused and will continue to cause. The world won´t survive another year like 2009 and 7 more years is saying thermo nuclear war.

    Let´s see how Obama (and West) deal with Venezuela devaluing, Haiti as resort paradise without Haitians, Colombia, Somalia, Mexico, Peru, Zimbabwe, RSA, Indonesia, and the two big ones. Who knows where Liberian intablity will lead? ETc. I didn´t mind West´s words and this was the first time he didn´t play it safe to teh letter with Obama. But I´ve lost a lot of faith in my fellow human beings over 2008-2009.

  5. Didn't play it safe?

    I disagree. The man certainly played it safe, for he didn't give it all I've seen him give before.

    Just like with Bush (who I could tell immediately was a fruitcake and imbecile), few were ready to jump on him. But after a while, it became easier and easier.

    same will happen with west and many others. The more "acceptable" it becomes to hold them accountable, the more verbal they get.

    Contrary to my tact. I call them from the beginning. As SHOULD be.

    Respect for the presidency (or whatever lame excuse they will use) is unacceptable. Hold that person we are fucking paying accountable for the job he does from DAY ONE. If that bastard has the audacity to lie with impunity (and this one does), then he needs to go. Period.

    If people would stop this bullshit ass-kissing of power for the sake of ass-kissing power and actually held that asshole accountable for the things he said versus the things he does, there would be a groundswell of a people's movement.

    But no. We sit back and give West and the others kudos for barely "playing it safe".

    Safe from what? Nuclear war?

    Obama is a lying, murderous, power-mongering thief and mouthpiece for the NWO.

    Fucking say it, people. You know it. Say it.

  6. B´Man:

    I agree with you more than I disagree with you here. Let´s agree to note that Dr West, Gates, Appiah, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, etc., are the ACCEPTABLE African-American power opinion elite. That cohort in any society is essential. They are hardly the black equivalents of Jewish neo-cons and neo-libs.

    I agree,though, with Ishmael Reed and the B.A.R. that they ARE CHOSEN ELITES BECAUSE THEY DON´T CHALLNEGE THE MACHINE. I like BAR, Reed, Bbbby Seale,Bobby Rush, Stokely Carmichael, Rap Brown, Angela Davis, and Malcolm X for analysis and action better.

    There´s a great thinker and teacher I read about named Dr Iris Mack whose educational series on business, economics, finance and trade for Arican-American children of all ages from a balanced perspective may be capitalistic as all hell but her ambition is to make a kid like Jay not so uncommon. So, you can be in system and still be about real change.

    Ishmael Reeds essay in Counterpunch and copied in BAR will tend to support your viewpoint on West, B´Man.

  7. Ok I c what u mean B-MAN, I was just happy that he finally said something because he usually played it even SAFER when it came to Obama since his election.

    I agree I like the 2nd list of people better too Kelso

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