Thursday, November 19, 2009

The students should be complaining about this!

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  1. And it begins...

  2. Schiff's video hits the nail on the head. Government involvement in any program is a guarantee that the price of the product or service will rise.

    Only boneheads like buelahman think a government healthcare program will lead to lower costs.

    As people demand more, the government will spend more -- and collect payment through taxation.

    The students at UCLA must have skipped Economics class -- all year -- to show such astounding ignorance about the cost of education.

    The University of California at Los Angeles is a state school. Tuition is paid in part by students and in part by taxpayers. California is in dire financial straits. Thus, the taxpayers are tapped out. Arnold knows this.

    Arnold is a self-made man. He figures students are young and healthy and smart enough to find a way to get the money for the extra tuition, even if it means borrowing the money from a federally-backed loan program to pay tuition at a state school.

    For whatever it's worth, I worked my way through college. It was not that hard.

  3. buelahman,

    If an Obama healthcare bill is passed by Congress you better get ready for healthcare bills higher than the bills you regularly complain about.

    You will pay your higher bills to a healthcare insurer OR you will pay the higher bills as taxes.

    Either way, the cost of healthcare will rise well above the current national average of $6,000 per person.

    Since the bills mandate coverage for an additional 31 million people, at minimum, YOU are going to get the opportunity to pay part of THEIR healthcare bills.

    I know that's what you want. But based on your comments, you also believe the money to pay for the extra healthcare will come from Mars.

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