Thursday, October 1, 2009

More information:

Call it a "conspiracy theory" if you want. With the information above, you should be concerned.

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  1. Hey, Bro'

    Promise me it is worth the 11:00 and I'll watch it (I can't stand Couric or Sebelius).

    Hope you are well.

  2. It's a compilation of different media clips. It's worth a watch.

  3. Sorry I questioned you.

    Nicely done

  4. Jay, I´m still in a rage about the US DHS and the Army "encouraged" Panamanians to let their kids being a ¨"table top exercise" in taking H1N1 vaccine.

    B´Man: Couric and Sibelius scald my nuts, too.

  5. Kelso,

    I hope you are ok (haven't heard from you in several days).

    The pic on the video is deceiving. Thinking I had to endure 11:00 of those two had me freaked out.

    Its much better than I thought.

  6. Jay, I don't quite get why you're encouraging folks to take their vaccine, especially after watching the video. Were you speaking tongue in cheek?

    It's really chilling from 7 to 9 minutes as the film shows the persuasive link of mercury to autism, and it's near absence in the anti-vaccine Amish communities.

    The terrifying and untold story in that news medley video is this and this.

  7. Yea Kit, I was. Hopefully everybody who saw this post WATCHED the video because i really wasn't tryna tell people to take the mercury shots!

    Thanks for the links.

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