Thursday, September 24, 2009
Judge Napolitano on Forced Vaccinations in Massachusetts

These officials really want Americans to revolt don't they? If they start busting people's doors talking bout you take this vaccine or go to jail... It's ON!

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  1. Happy Birthday, Cavuto.

    (I never thought I'd say this, but I agreed with everything in that FOX clip... except the birthday part)

  2. Judge Napolitano´s show is not FOX propaganda. He´s a libertarian who calls it honestly and explores business, finance economics and trade from a common-sense point of view. And he and his guests handle social and political issues purely from a libertarian standpoint. Both he and David Swanson belong to the CAMPAIGN FOR LIBERTY group. At rock bottom, he´s constitutionalist.

    Divorced from the partisan clown show and culture wars, when they get into discussing the issues they care about Judge Napolitano gives a lot of air time to Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich as well as Cavuto and Santelli. People make mistakes and align themselve with political parties instead of thinking critically, so I hear you on Cavuto, B´Man. But Santelli´s famous outburst had NOTHING to do with race and everything to do with a different economic philsophy.

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