Thursday, April 24, 2008

This sounds really retarded to me...
Two metro Atlanta school districts have reportedly banned T.I. from making an appearance in their schools to speak to students.
As reported earlier, the Atlanta bred rapper plead guilty to various weapons charges last month as part of a plea deal to avoid trial.
Under the agreement, T.I. was ordered to spend at least 1,000 hours over the next year speaking against drugs, guns and gangs to “at-risk youth”.
According to WBSTV, Cobb County school officials said Wednesday (April 23) that T.I. was not allowed to visit their schools because of recent gang problems and the death of a student.
Fulton County school officials said T.I. is banned from their schools because of his conviction on the gun charges. (Source)
Hmm, I know damn well when I was a youngin' I wasn't listening to nobody who hadn't done or lived the life they tried to steer us away from.
what he got to do with the death of a student and all that gang BS?????