Monday, April 21, 2008

In the highly-likely event there is a terrorist lurking in your neighborhood, brown-skinned, or even blond hair and blue eyed, the cops have all bases covered.
"Sonier and the Lee County cops are busy installing “custom-made cameras” in fire hydrants, on exit signs in apartment buildings, and metal underneath cars. “Citizens don’t know what we do,” bragged Lee County Sheriff Lt. Gary Desrosiers of the Technical Investigations Unit. “And that’s a good thing.” It was presumably a good thing in East Germany, too, or so the fascist control freaks who once ran that country no doubt believed." (Source)
This reminds me of that time Fox News said Al Qaeda is building a white army of terror!
I'm bout tired of this "War on Terror." Sounds more like a war on Americans...
Two words: Patriot Act. Our privacy is dwindling bit by bit and paranoia is kicking in (has kicked in) big time.
And BTW, like I couldn't be a terrorist and still be Christian.
STFU and get the fuk outta here...
(Disclaimer for the U.S. government: I'm not, please leave me alone...)
UM?? i think yall are missing it..
DOGS piss on those things...can u imagine them looking at the screen and a big a$$ bull dog walks up, lifts up it's leg and pee's all over the that's what they get for doing this foolishness