Monday, March 24, 2008

A high school in Illinois got the heat for requiring students to read "Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes (Parts 1 & 2)," a book with graphic descriptions of sex between males.
Parent and director of North Shore Student Advocac asks, "Who would have ever thought that we would be handing out pornography in public schools?"
"The fact that this was required is even more astonishing," she told Cybercast News Service.
Hauser cites numerous examples of offensive passages from the text, including the following:
Man: What do you want?
Louis: I want you to f*** me, hurt me, make me bleed.
Man: I want to.
Louis: Yeah?
Man: I want to hurt you.
Louis: F*** me.
Man: Yeah.
Louis: Hard?
Man: Yeah. You been a bad boy?
(They begin to f***.)
(Louis slips his hand down the front of Joe’s pants. They embrace more tightly. Louis pulls his hand out, smells and tastes his fingers, and then holds them for Joe to smell … they kiss again.)
It took more than 5 weeks to get the book removed from the "required" list, but students can still read it as an "optional" book.
Would you let your child read something with this kind of material:
Man: I think it broke. The rubber. You want me to keep going? (Little pause) Pull out? Should I –
Louis: Keep going. Infect me. I don’t care. I don’t care.
That's just sick.
HUH?????? that eff me till i bleed part threw me off big time, and this is reading material for kids in what school now????? make sure my kids never attened it.......lmao
chrissy snow.....
Quick question... was the reason it was pulled because it depicted pornography or because it was homosexual pornography? Like if that intercourse had potentially been between a man and a woman?
Either way, it is pretty graphic, but how much more so than a R-rated movie?
"Like if that intercourse had potentially been between a man and a woman?"
-- The end of that question is "how quickly would it have been pulled?"
That's a good question Tayo.
Parent and director of North Shore Student Advocac asks, "Who would have ever thought that we would be handing out pornography in public schools?"
He did say "pornography" in general so IDK if it would've been biased.
They probably still would've went after it if it was heterosexual sex, but it probably wouldn't have got any press like this.